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Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health

Healthy Communities and Municipalities

Where we live, work, play and learn impacts the overall health of the community. Decisions that are made today about community design, transportation systems, housing, access to recreation, and availability of legal substances contribute to the health of communities now, and in the future.

When we provide community members the opportunities to reach their full health potential, our community will become stronger, more resilient and have better health outcomes as a whole.

Municipal Liaison Program

HPEPH offers a municipal liaison program to local municipalities. Through this program, municipal liaisons are assigned to each municipal area that we serve: North Hastings, Centre Hastings, Belleville, Quinte West, Prince Edward County, Deseronto and Township of Tyendinaga.

The main goal of these liaisons is to help support municipal decision making that will improve population health.

Topics we can support

  • Substance use
  • Mental health
  • Climate change
  • Physical health
  • Violence prevention
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Water safety
  • Healthy eating
  • Air quality
  • On and off-road safety
  • Positive parenting
  • Extreme weather
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Community safety and well-being plans

Municipal liaisons can put together presentations, provide feedback on planning items, collaborate with plans or committees, gather evidence for best practices, connect with various external partners and provide data to help guide plans.

Request a meeting or presentation

If you’d like a staff member to present at a committee meeting, council meeting, or meet with any municipal staff, we would be happy to! Please email or fill out the contact form below.

Our Newsletter

HPEPH publishes a semi-annual newsletter that includes new resources for municipal staff, events coming up, new public policies.


Need More Information About Healthy Communities and Municipalities?

Call 613-966-5500 or 1-800-267-2803, ext. 610.

News, Research and Reports RELATED TO: Municipalities

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