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Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health
Girl helping younger sister with bike helmet strap

Child Injury

Unintentional injury is a leading threat to the health of Canadian children. Injuries kill more children between the ages of 1 to 14 years than any other cause, and can also lead to permanent, life-altering disability and/or trauma.

In Hastings & Prince Edward Counties, the leading causes of unintentional injury visits to the emergency department among children age 1 to 14 years are falls, striking against objects, and sports injuries.

Fewer injuries. Healthier children.

Most injuries are predictable and preventable if we:

  • Consider potential risks of injury as our children grow and gain new skills
  • Create safe places for our children to live, learn and play
  • Actively watch and listen to our children
  • Develop and follow family safety rules
  • Act as a role model – our children will do what we do

Other injury related resources:

General safety

Car seat safety

Safe sleep

Protect your head – wear a helmet

Many Canadian children are injured while participating in sports and recreation activities. Without protective equipment, a fall of as little as two feet can result in scrapes, broken bones, facial injuries, and head injuries. A head injury can affect a child’s ability to move, play, think, learn, behave, see, or speak.

Wearing a properly fitted helmet could prevent up to 80% of head injuries by absorbing and spreading the force of impact over the entire helmet. 

In Ontario, children and youth under 18 years of age are required by law to wear a certified bicycle helmet while riding a bicycle.

Helmet safety tips for you and your family

  • Choose the right helmet for the right activity. Ensure that the helmet has a certification label (CSA, Snell, ASTM, CSPC, etc.).
  • When fitting a helmet for most sports, follow the 2V1 rule.
  • Replace the helmet if there are any cracks or dents to the outer shell or damage to the foam liner.
  • Replace the helmet every three to five years.
  • Clean the helmet with mild soap and water and leave to air dry. Do not use a disinfectant.

Related links

Prevention of drowning

Drowning is a leading cause of death for children under five years of age. These deaths are often preventable. Learn more about what you can do to prevent the risk of drowning related deaths.

News, Research and Reports RELATED TO: Family Health, Injury Prevention

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