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Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health
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Food Safety Information and Resources

If you serve or prepare food as part of your business, it is incredibly important that you are familiar with safe food handling practices.

To ensure food offered to the public is safe to consume, all owners and operators of a food premises, including those at special events, must be knowledgeable of, and comply with, Ontario Regulation 493/17: Food Premises

It is now a requirement under s.32 of this regulation for every operator of a food service premises to ensure at least one food handler or supervisor has successfully completed certified food handler training and is on the premises during every hour in which the premises is operating.

Please refer to our Food Handler Training Course page.

We can also provide you with several resources to post or distribute at your workplace. These include:

If you would like to request any of the following food safety posters for your business, please speak to your Public Health Inspector or call the number below.

Need More Information About Food Safety Information and Resources?

For more information about food safety, our courses, or our available resources, call 613-966-5500 or 1-800-267-2803, ext 677.

News, Research and Reports RELATED TO: Food Service Industry

Food Literacy Report 2017

PUBLISHED: Sunday December 31, 2017

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