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Media Release: HPEPH encourages local youth to take advantage of available vaccination appointments as soon as possible, as vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and those around you from COVID-19.

Hastings and Prince Edward Counties/June 04, 2021 – Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health (HPEPH) welcomes all eligible youth to book an appointment at upcoming COVID-19 vaccination clinics. All youth aged 12 or over are eligible to book now. As the province has announced that many individuals will become eligible to book their second dose appointment beginning Monday June 7, parents/caregivers are encouraged to use the weekend as an opportunity to talk to their child about the importance of vaccination, review information about safety and consent, and book an appointment as soon as possible. For evidence informed resources and booking information, visit If you are ready to book an appointment, visit If no appointments are available, follow HPEPH on Facebook and Twitter to receive notification when new clinic dates are added.

“We know that youth, parents, and families may have questions or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccination. Please be sure you are getting the facts about vaccines from evidence informed resources, and contact your primary care provider if you have any questions.” says Dr. Ethan Toumishey, Medical Resident at HPEPH. “Vaccines are the best way to protect yourself from the virus, and to be sure you don’t spread it to others who are more vulnerable. Getting vaccinated also means you will be ready and protected when the province opens up and we are permitted to play sports, visit family, hang out with friends, and travel again.”

To ensure youth and their families have access to trusted information that has been verified by experts, Ontario’s Children’s COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory Table has launched a website which offers resources for parents, youth, and health care/social service providers. While there is a lot of mis-information circulating about vaccines, the Children’s Youth Advisory Table offers three fact-based reasons to get vaccinated. Check out the HPEPH YouTube channel to hear Dr. Toumishey provide an overview of these three simple reasons to get the vaccine.

  • It is safe. The Pfizer vaccine has been approved for use in individuals 12 and over. Nearly 3 million vaccines have been administered to youth in the United States, and no serious side effects have been reported in this age group.
  • It is important. While children infected with COVID-19 typically experience mild symptoms, some can have very severe illness. They can also pass the virus on to others. The sooner all eligible individuals can get vaccinated, the sooner things can get back to the things we love.
  • It works. Evidence shows the vaccine is highly effective in youth and results in a strong antibody response – meaning their immune system responds very well and creates strong protection in their body.

If a young adult is particularly anxious at the time of the appointment, a parent/caregiver will be permitted to stand with them while the vaccine is administered and while they wait for the required 15-minute monitoring time. HPEPH encourages youth to practice the ‘CARD’ strategy as they prepare for their appointment:

  • C – Comfort. Wear comfortable clothes, and please remember to have a snack before your appointment. Relax your arm and squeeze your knees together if you feel faint or dizzy.
  • A – Ask. Ask your parent, caregiver, or primary care provider any questions you may have about vaccines before the appointment.
  • R- Relax. The vaccine itself only takes a few seconds and feels like a little pinch. Take deep breaths, and talk to your self positively (you can do this!).
  • D –  Distract. Bring your phone, music, a book, or magazine, to distract yourself while you get the shot and while you wait. Some clinics offer free WiFi if you find it comforting to bring your device.  If none of these options work for you, try daydreaming about the fun activities you can enjoy once you are fully vaccinated!

Since HPEPH takes every effort to ensure the comfort of patients and answer questions during their appointment, your appointment time may be slightly later than scheduled. Please come prepared for a possible wait, and don’t line up outside the clinic until 5-10 minutes before your appointment. Bring appropriate clothing for the weather (hat, umbrella, coat), and bring water and snacks in case you need to wait a while.

Vaccination is the most important thing that we, as a community, can do to help youth get back to the things they love. To help raise awareness of why it is important to get vaccinated, all youth who attend school in our region are invited to participate in #Vax2PlayHPE, a selfie contest being offered by HPEPH. To play, youth can post a selfie on social media using the hashtag #Vax2PlayHPE and tagging @HPEPublicHealth, and tell us why you think it’s a good idea to get vaccinated!

For more evidence-informed resources on vaccination for youth, please visit

Media Contacts:

Emily Tubbs, Communications Specialist

Maureen Hyland, Communications Specialist

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Public health has confirmed a measles outbreak in Hastings County.

Measles is a serious, vaccine-preventable infection that can cause severe life-long complications. The best way to protect yourself from measles is by being fully vaccinated. Residents are urged to check their vaccine records to make sure their measles vaccines are up to date, and to remain watchful for symptoms, especially if not fully vaccinated.

Vaccine appointments for those whose vaccines are not up to date can be booked at

South East Health Unit

As of Jan. 1, 2025 Hastings Prince Edward Public Health; Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Public Health; and the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit have merged to form the South East Health Unit.

Partners and members of the public should continue to engage with their local public health offices as usual until otherwise directed.

Efforts are underway to develop branding for the South East Health Unit, which will take several months. In the meantime, you will see logos and other advertising material with Hastings Prince Edward Public Health branding. You may also see some documents using the legal name South East Health Unit.