Hastings and Prince Edward Counties/July 12, 2021 – Residents of HPEC are invited to book their second dose appointments as early as possible to get fully immunized. Getting fully immunized as early as 28 days after your first dose not only protects you – it protects those around you from the virus. As the province has recently announced that Step 3 of the Roadmap to Reopen will begin on Friday, July 16, it is essential that you get your second dose a soon as possible. It takes two weeks after the vaccination to build optimal immunity, and after this time you can enjoy the rest of the summer with the highest possible protection against COVID-19!
Many appointments are available this week – so book soon! Appointments at Loyalist College can be booked at https://www.canadaehs.com/hpepublichealth/vaccine. Appointments at other Mass Immunization Clinics throughout the region are also available and can be booked at ontario.ca/bookvaccine. Any individuals who are still looking for a first dose appointment are encouraged to book as soon as possible. If you require assistance to book your appointment, call HPEPH at 613-966-5500 and follow the prompts.
While all individuals are encouraged to book an earlier second dose appointment date, individuals who have appointments booked at the Duncan Memorial Arena in Quinte West after July 19 are encouraged to re-book as soon as possible, as their appointments are being rescheduled. While HPEPH has notified these individuals directly and is reaching out by phone to provide a new appointment date, re-booking through the links above can ensure a new and earlier appointment date as soon as possible.
While the province has not yet released guidelines on social activities permitted for individuals who are fully immunized against COVID-19, current case and contact management guidance states that individuals who are fully immunized may not not need to isolate if/when they are identified as a close contact of a positive case of COVID-19, unless they develop symptoms or test positive for the virus. This is a significant benefit for individuals who find it challenging to miss work, school, or personal responsibilities if they are identified as a close contact of a case. In addition, the more people who are fully vaccinated, the safer our community will be as we enter into Step 3 of the Roadmap to Reopening, and activities such as large group gatherings are permitted.
“While many individuals have an existing appointment date set for their second dose, I encourage you to check available dates and book an appointment as early as 28 days after your first,” says Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and CEO at HPEPH. “Getting fully immunized will help you get back to the people, places, and things you love – safely.”
Additional information about booking vaccination appointments in the region is available at hpePublicHealth.ca/vaccine-booking/.
Media contacts
Emily Tubbs
Maureen Hyland, Communications Specialist