What is TCE?
TCE is a clear liquid synthetic chemical that evaporates easily. It is used for degreasing metal equipment, to make refrigerants and in commercial dry cleaners as a spot remover. TCE is also a common ingredient in household products such as cleaning products, paint removers, spray adhesives, glues and paints.
How are people exposed to TCE?
TCE is found in air, water and soil in locations where is it manufactured or used. TCE breaks down very slowly in the environment and can accumulate in soil and groundwater. In the general population people can be exposed to TCE through indoor air and drinking water. Occupational exposure for those that work with TCE can occur through inhaling comminated air or absorbing TCE though their skin.
What are the risks associated with exposure to TCE?
Short term exposure (e.g. minutes to days) to very high levels of TCE can symptoms such as drowsiness, decreased memory and perception, visual effects and anesthesia. Long term exposure (e.g. years) is suggestive of an increased risk of cancer.
How can TCE exposure be reduced?
People should avoid drinking water contaminated with TCE and reduce time spent in areas with known high TCE indoor air concentrations. Children should avoid playing in areas where TCE has been found in soil. Consumers should always follow chemical product labels to minimize exposure to TCE.