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Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis & Polio (Tdap-IPV) Vaccine FAQs

The“4 to 6 “ booster,tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis and inactivated polio vaccine (Tdap-IPV),helps to protect children and adults against those diseases. When given in the recommended schedule, the Tdap vaccine helps protect almost everyone from tetanus, diphtheria and polio and most people from pertussis.

What are tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and polio?

  • Tetanus, or lockjaw, is a serious bacterial infection you can get if dirt containing the tetanus germ gets into a cut in the skin. Tetanus germs are usually found in soil, dust and manure. It does not spread from person to person. Tetanus usually causes cramping of the muscles and severe convulsions, and it can be fatal.
  • Diphtheria is a serious bacterial infection of the nose, throat and skin, and it is spread through coughing, sneezing and skin-to-skin contact. Diphtheria causes sore throat, fever and chills and can result in breathing problems, heart failure and paralysis and death.
  • Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a serious bacterial infection of the airways that occurs in people of all ages, but it can be especially severe in children. It spreads easily through coughing, sneezing or close face-to-face contact. Pertussis can cause violent coughing that ends in a “whooping” sound and may last for weeks to months. It causes vomiting and makes it hard to breathe, eat or drink. Pertussis can lead to pneumonia, seizures and brain damage. It can be fatal, especially in babies and children.
  • Polio is a dangerous infection caused by a virus. It can be spread through coughing, sneezing or by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. It is still present in some developing countries where there may be poor sanitation. Polio can cause nerve damage and paralyze the muscles used for breathing, talking, eating and walking. Though it can be fatal, it has become a rare disease, due to worldwide immunization campaigns.

Who should get the publicly funded Tdap-IPV in Ontario?

  • Children ages 4 to 6 years of age should receive this “4 to 6 booster.” (This completes the four dose series of “5 in 1” injections given as an infant at 2, 4, 6 and 18 months of age.)
  • Tdap-IPV can be given to individuals up to 17 years of age who did not receive a booster before starting kindergarten.
  • Tdap-IPV is also available for people 7 years of age or older who are not fully immunized or whose immunization history is unknown.

What are the common side effects of this vaccine?

  • Some people may feel sore and swollen for a few days where the needle was given.
  • Some people may have general muscle aches, fever and feel tired for a day or two.
  • Tylenol®or ibuprofen may be taken afterwards, as directed, to reduce discomfort or fever.
  • Children under 19 yrs of age must not be given ASA, Aspirin® or salicylates.

Who should not get the Tdap-IPV vaccine?

  • Anyone under 4 years of age.
  • Anyone who has had a serious allergic reaction to any previous dose of vaccine containing tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis or polio, or to any component of the vaccine:
    • Adacel®Polio – tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, acellular pertussis toxoid, poliomyelitis vaccine type 1, 2, & 3, aluminum phosphate, 2-phenoxyethanol, polysorbate 80, bovine serum albumin, polymyxin B, neomycin, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and streptomycin. (Does not containg latex).
    • Boostrix®-Polio–tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, acellular pertussis toxoid, inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine type 1, 2, 3, aluminum adjuvant (as aluminum salts), sodium chloride, medium 199, formaldehyde, neomycin, polymyxin. (May contain latex).
  • Anyone with a high fever or moderate to severe illness should wait until they feel well.
  • Anyone who has a
    • progressive or unstable neurological disorder (e.g. uncontrolled epilepsy)
    • history of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks of a tetanus vaccine
    • history of swelling on the brain within 7 days of receiving a pertussis vaccine

What else do I need to know?

  • Pregnant and lactating women should discuss the risks and benefits of the Tdap-IPV vaccine with their health care providers and only receive it if it is clearly needed.
  • To reduce the spread of germs, sneeze or cough into a tissue or into your elbow or upper sleeve, and wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 15 seconds.
  • If travelling, follow the advice on the Safe Food and Water Fact Sheets.
  • The Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, requires all children entering daycare to provide proof of immunization, according to the Publicly Funded Immunization Schedule for Ontario.
  • The Immunization of School Pupils Act requires all students between the ages of 4 to 17 to be immunized according to Ontario’s Immunization Schedule, unless a valid Statement of Medical Exemption or Conscience or Religious Belief is on file with Public Health.

When should I seek medical help after immunization?

  • If you or your child experiences any unusual side effects, please seek medical attention and notify us.
  • Go to Emergency at a hospital right away or call 911 if you or your child has any of the following symptoms after immunization:
    • swelling of the face and neck
    • problems breathing
    • hives and itchy, reddened skin

Your Record of Protection

After you receive any immunization, make sure your health care provider updates your personal immunization record. Keep it in a safe place. Please inform us of any immunizations not received from Public Health.

Tdap-IPV Fact Sheet printable pdf

Need More Information About Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis & Polio (Tdap-IPV) Vaccine FAQs?

Talk to your health care provider or call our Immunization Program at 613-966-5500 or 1-800-267-2803, ext. 221.

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Public health has confirmed a measles outbreak in Hastings County.

Measles is a serious, vaccine-preventable infection that can cause severe life-long complications. The best way to protect yourself from measles is by being fully vaccinated. Residents are urged to check their vaccine records to make sure their measles vaccines are up to date, and to remain watchful for symptoms, especially if not fully vaccinated.

Vaccine appointments for those whose vaccines are not up to date can be booked at

South East Health Unit

As of Jan. 1, 2025 Hastings Prince Edward Public Health; Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Public Health; and the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit have merged to form the South East Health Unit.

Partners and members of the public should continue to engage with their local public health offices as usual until otherwise directed.

Efforts are underway to develop branding for the South East Health Unit, which will take several months. In the meantime, you will see logos and other advertising material with Hastings Prince Edward Public Health branding. You may also see some documents using the legal name South East Health Unit.