Hastings and Prince Edward Counties/Jan. 25, 2021 – As HPEPH continues to conduct contact tracing and case management for the region, evidence is showing that certain groups of residents are being affected by COVID-19 more than others. Through no fault of their own, higher rates of positive COVID-19 test results are being identified among individuals who are 20-29 years old and;
- Share a bedroom with a roommate, OR
- Live in a household with five or more people, OR
- Are employed at a workplace where physical distancing is challenging.
All residents should seek testing when experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 as directed by provincial screening tools. However, the increasing rates of the virus among young adults make it especially important that this age group pay attention to their health, and seek testing as soon as possible if they experience symptoms, even if they are mild. While young adults are less likely to experience severe complications related to COVID-19, being infected with the virus increases chances of spreading it to others, including those who are most vulnerable.
“During the pandemic, please do not ignore your symptoms and assume it is just a cold. If you have any symptom of COVID-19, get tested as soon as possible”, says Dr. Piotr Oglaza, Medical Officer of Health and CEO at HPEPH. “Testing is free and confidential. You won’t get in trouble, and you will help keep yourself and those around you as safe as possible.”
To stop the spread of COVID-19 in the region and remind residents of the importance of testing, HPEPH is launching the #GetTestedHPE campaign, and will be sharing social media messages over the coming weeks to encourage symptom monitoring and testing. Local workplaces are reminded to ensure employees complete symptom screening daily.
For additional information about the campaign, visit hpePublicHealth.ca/gettested. To learn more about COVID-19, how you can protect yourself and what to do if you suspect you may be at risk, visit hpePublicHealth.ca or visit Ontario’s website. All residents are also reminded that no one is immune to the virus and some individuals may be exposed despite their best efforts. Be kind to one another as we work together to stop the spread of this virus.
Fast Facts*:
- 38% of local COVID-19 cases are aged 20-29 years old (comparatively, this age group makes up 10.6% of the HPEPH population).
- 32% of all local COVID-19 cases have been associated with workplace outbreaks.
- At least 22% of local cases of COVID-19 live in households of five people or more (6% of households in HPEPH include 5 people or more)
* Based on local data from September 1, 2020 – December 14, 2020
Media contacts
Emily Tubbs, Communications Specialist
Maureen Hyland, Communications Specialist